
Thanks for your interest in our Transmit iOS 8 trial project.

We've really enjoyed working on this possible product, but we're curious how — and if — you'd use it.

Of course Transmit iOS would offer the uploading, downloading, and file management you'd expect. But, thanks to iOS 8 and Transmit, one interesting feature would allow you to easily upload items to your FTP / SFTP / Amazon S3 / WebDAV servers from any "Share" sheet in the system — without switching apps. We would also enable Transmit in the "Document Picker" for iOS 8 apps that support it, allowing you to open and save documents directly off your server.

But would you actually do any of this? Let us know below.

Your e-mail: *

Your full name: *

How would you see yourself realistically using Transmit on iOS 8? *

"I wouldn't" is a valid answer.

Would you be interested in testing Transmit for iOS 8?