users logo@2x

Thank you for you interest in Status Board 2. We hope to ship this nice update soon, and if you use Status Board often, we'd love your feedback on the new features and design.

Do you:

• Use Status Board every day already
• Excel at filing well-written, reproducible bugs
• Have the time to test out new features in your workflow

Then please apply! (We can't accept everyone, and we'll let you know if you are chosen.)

Your e-mail: *

Your Apple ID you use for App Store purchases (if different):

This will be used to associate the beta with your iOS device.

Your full name: *

How many iOS devices do you run Status Board on? *

Do you mostly use Status Board with an external display? *

Do you use Status Board primarily to display work or personal data? *

While you're here, anything you'd like us to add to Status Board?

Do you understand that this beta will require your time and energy? *